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Check out Robbeca's HCG Diet review using hcg drops from She purchased the 40 Day Original Formula with Alcohol Base. Robbeca is a 5’10”, 25-year-old woman. She used our DIY HCG drops to achieve rapid weight loss on the HCG Diet Protocol. Robbeca started the HCG Diet weighing 232.0 lbs. and finished weighing just 209.2 lbs. That’s a loss of 22.8 lbs. in her first round of the HCG Diet!  While Robecca lost weight all over her body, it is most apparent in her back, stomach and abdomen. She partially attributes her ability to stay on the diet with the noticeable results she experienced early on along with the feeling of accomplishment she felt as a result of the rapid weight loss. Being able to tell a difference in her body and how her clothes felt after just 10 days on the diet was very encouraging to her. The below is what Robeeca had to say about the diet and DIY HCG drops: “At first, I was a little skeptical on if this product would actually work. But once my best friend started this journey and I saw her results, I was hooked! This journey has been the most amazing experience ever. It has pushed me to become a better person with a new outlook on eating healthy. I was able to see results within 10 days, which was such a great feeling. I would highly recommend this to anyone. Three of my friends and family are doing this now :) and I will be doing it again at my 6-week mark!” Congratulations Robecca! Way to go! See what other customers have said about's Original Formula Drops... "The plan is wonderful and has worked with me precisely as described. I'm very happy with the results in my life. It gives you the edge to help to your goal weight and how to keep health in life maintenance. A very reasonable plan overall." ~Sharon "When the original diet is followed, weight drops off easily. After day 2, no headaches, lots of energy ... feel great! I don't purchase hcg drops from anywhere else. Great product!" ~Deborah B. "I have lost 55 lbs on two rounds. Holding my own right now and getting ready for final round!! 25 more to go and I know I will do it!" ~Mindy  
Robecca's HCG Diet Review and Before & After Pictures

Renica's Weight Loss Success Story:

"I was very skeptical at first but when I literally started losing a lb a day I was allll in! I think the most rewarding part is seeing the weight shed away with just following a simple diet. My blood pressure has also dropped significantly and I’m not even taking my blood pressure medicine. I’m soooo happy to have started this diet. Now I’m maintaining my healthy journey by working out and continuing to eat healthy."

View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!

Weight Loss Products - HCG Diet Drops

Want more success stories? Read what others have said about the DIY HCG Diet below...

“It works for me”   ~Shirley B. “It has helped me lose weight and remove added sugars from my diet and thereby control my blood sugar.  My overall sense of well-being has improved remarkably.”   ~Christa H. “The diet really works people; try it for yourself and see. You will be happy with the results you get when you follow the diet correctly. The pounds really do shed off.”   ~Nessey H. "I tried several other diets before the HCG Diet and could not lose weight. I heard about the HCG Diet from my mom who did the HCG Diet with pounds and inches and this was much cheaper. I lost almost 40 pounds over 3 months. I loved how easy the diet was and your company did everything I needed for help. THX!!!" “I support the HCG Diet because it has changed my life.  I have struggled for years to lose weight through countless efforts. I have used diet pills, extreme diets, and have spent thousands of dollars on personal trainers and gym memberships.”   ~Breonna W. “Because I have been using it, when you do what the diet says, it works really good. I am planning on going on it again in a week. I loss about 20-30 lbs. on it.”   ~Rebekah R. “It works”   ~Tina O. “It is one of the best weight loss solutions out there. It also gets you into a healthy eating lifestyle. It’s not just a weight loss product, but you learn to eat healthy after the diet."   ~Angelia D. “I tried it, had no problems, and lost weight.”   ~Gayla V. “You will lose the weight when other diets don’t work.”   ~Britney J. “Personal positive experience with HCG last summer!”   ~Mary D. “It is safe and it works!”   ~Cyndi S. “I have taken HCG with great results and eating healthy.   ~Tonia D. “I am physically handicapped and cannot do strenuous exercise. We all know more muscle helps in weight loss. The HCG Diet helped me lose weight for the first time without having the exercise issue.” ~Linda M. I lost 28 lbs. and felt great while I was on the HCG Diet.”   ~Barbara F. “I've had success on the HCG Diet.”   ~Angela L. “I’ve seen the results on people I know and I'm looking to see those same results on me.”   ~Adam F.  

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Renica's Weight Loss Diet Before and After Pictures | HCG Diet Pics

Lost 45 pounds in 7 months with this HCG plan! Wow! She looks amazing!

Lost 45 pounds in 7 months with this HCG plan! Wow! She looks amazing!

Rebecca's Weight Loss Success Story:

  • Start weight: 190 pounds
  • End weight: 145 pounds
  • Total weight loss of 45 pounds
  • Starting pant size: Size 16
  • Ending pant size: Size 6
  • Lost a total of 10 sizes
  • Lost a total of 38.5 inches over her entire body.
  • She did it in 7 months with only 2 rounds of the HCG Diet!
Here's more about Rebecca's experience in her own words: "My name is Rebecca Anvik, and I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember.  During high school, I was a size 12 and about 165 lbs. I then met my husband after high school. We married and shortly after I had my son. And then 2 years after my son was born I had my daughter and I was tipping the scale at 200 lbs! That's when I decided to do something, so for the next 6 months I got up early and exercised. In those 6 months I lost a total of 10 lbs.  So now I was at 190 lbs. To say the least I was extremely frustrated! Here I was dedicating myself to something and the results were barely nonexistent. So, I just gave up. Then, my mom heard from someone about HCG and my mom told me about it. I then proceeded to go onto the website and read everything I possibly could on it. The more I read the more excited I became! I was telling myself, now this is something that I could possibly do! I was also very skeptical about it with me trying to lose weight before and not getting the results I wanted. But the more I read and the more I started to ask questions the more I wanted to try it! So, I ordered the DIY HCG drops and am SO happy with the results that have come from it! I'm so happy with my decision to try HCG! It has literally changed my life! In the course of 2 Rounds I have lost a total of 45 lbs! 38½ inches all over my body! All in the course of 7 months! At the beginning of Round 1 I was a size 16 and 190 lbs. I now wear a size 6 and I am 145 lbs! I have never been this small in my life! And as you can see by the before and after pictures the results are astounding! I dropped a total of 10 dress sizes! I feel great and look amazing too! I am way more confident then I have ever been, because I feel great about myself! I feel like this is who I am supposed to be! I feel like me! It was the best decision I ever made! And because I made the decision to do it, my mom, dad, aunt, grandma, cousins and sisters have all started it! My sister has already lost 49 lbs in 2 rounds! Thank You HCG!"     ~Rebecca

View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!

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Rebecca's Weight Loss Story & HCG Transformation Pictures

Heidi's Weight Loss Success Story & HCG Diet Review:

As you can see from the above pictures, Heidi did GREAT on the HCG Diet. She lost lots of pounds and inches in a short amount of time with the HCG Diet. Body reshaping is noticeable over her entire body, especially her chin, arms, legs, waist, and hips.

View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!

Weight Loss Products - HCG Diet Drops

Want more success stories? Read what others have said about the DIY HCG Diet below...

“I am excited! Even though I had testimonies from 5 friends, I admit at first I was skeptical that HCG would work for me, since I have screwed up my metabolism trying so many fad diets. To top things off, I joined the HCG yahoo forum were many were putting HCG down and promoting injections; that made me more doubtful. Even though, I went at it full force, all or nothing! I am truly amazed. I am in Round 1 of Phase 2 on Day 14. Though I did not formally take my measurements, I used my belt to note my beginning hole and the hole I want to be at. In 12 days of the very low calorie diet (VLCD), I have released 14.5 pounds, including the 3 I gained during my loading days! My bra needs to be adjusted to the next clasp and my belt; I am 2 holes away from where I started. I am just awestruck. Not only is my weight making me happy but I am watching my shape transform for the better of me rather than self- destruct. I must say it has not been easy, I have had to come to terms with emotional triggers and I find myself hungry in the evenings more than anything. I say hungry because my stomach feels empty, though I am not having cravings, which I describe as an almost uncontrollable desire for a certain food. I am usually a sugar junkie and I have not craved anything sweet at all. I might add, I started one week before my TOM, so I successfully managed the program thru the dreaded TOM. For anyone out there who was like me who read hundreds of postings and sought out many successful stories, HCG from DIY HCG does work. I began wanting to lose 80 lbs. Now I have 65.5 to go and I believe it can happen! Yes I can, Yes I can!!!"     ~Judy D. “I just turned 49 this month and up until 2 years ago I had always been healthy, on the thin side and had normal blood pressure. For various reasons I had stopped working out and was eating too many of the things I shouldn't eat. That changed when I realized none of my clothes fit and I had gone from a size 2/4 to a size 8. Then, a visit to the doctor revealed a 30+ pound weight gain along with severe rise in my blood pressure! I'm only 5'3", so that 30 pounds really took up some space! The blood pressure issue really scared me as a friend of mine had just suffered a blood pressure related stroke. I knew that I had to get my weight & blood pressure back down to normal! Shortly after this I was at my friend's salon and one of her friends came in & was talking about this HCG Diet she was about to go on. I'd never heard of it, so I asked her to email me the info. I did some research, and then purchased a kit. I received the kit and read every book cover to cover then headed for the grocery store. The "gorge days" sort of threw me, and I don't think that I gorged enough because let me tell you, the first week of the 500 calorie phase I was starving. It was tough not to give up! It felt like I was emailing diyhcg every day! The second week was better and by the third week I was actually enjoying my romaine salads! At the end of the 500 calorie phase I had lost 18 pounds which I have maintained through the 6 week maintenance phase. I am back in my size 4 jeans (the size 2s are still a touch too tight). Most amazingly, after the second week my blood pressure went from 160/100 to 108/65 and has stabilized there. I am starting my second round on Saturday and this time my boyfriend and my daughter are doing it with me! I am looking forward to losing the last 12 pounds and I know that with this plan I can remain my correct weight for the rest of my life! Thanks!”     ~Siri M.

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HCG Success Story Pictures & Diet Review - Heidi S

Kent's Weight Loss Success Story & Diet Review:

  • Start weight: 245 pounds
  • End weight: 205 pounds
  • Kent was able to lose 40 pounds in only 23 days on the DIY HCG Diet.
He heard about the HCG Diet from a friend at work who started losing weight very fast. Kent simply asked him what diet he was doing... and he quickly learned about the life-changing HCG Diet. He is no longer self-conscious about "sucking in his gut", thanks to the weight he lost with the HCG Diet. He also has more energy and is feeling ready for swimsuit season in San Diego. He attributes his weight loss success to the homeopathic HCG Diet drops he purchased from He is telling all of his friends and family about how he safely, easily and quickly lost weight on this diet. Kent also gave us a video testimonial about his experience on the HCG Diet, watch the video here.

View the rest of our HCG Diet Reviews (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!

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Want more success stories? Read what others have said about the DIY HCG Diet below...

"On my 13th day of HCG now and I feel great. I have lost about 12 pounds and it makes me very happy. Seeing the scale go down has helped me remain vigil about this HCG Diet. I can hardly wait to see the results of round 1. Thanks DIY HCG!"   ~Lorna K. “It works for me.”   ~John B. “I struggled with weight for approximately 2 years and living with a lot of stress. The things I used to do no longer work such as exercising, walking and changing diet habits. I actually experienced progress and it was wonderful! I felt I was overweight about 15-20 pounds. For me being a petite person, that was significant. I lost 15 pounds within 3 weeks and I am not looking back! HCG protocol helps you to lose weight but it also helps you to eat differently, more Healthy. Who doesn't want to benefit from that?”   ~P. Farris "Fast and easy weight loss is what I had on this hcg diet plan. I wasn't very hungry, except the first few days. I lost a lot of girth to my belly and chest. I'm very happy a co-worker told me about this diet. I plan on doing it over again until I hit my goal weight."   ~Bill A. “DIY and the product DIY HCG have helped me to get passed a stall in my metabolism and allowed me to shed 30 unwanted pounds. As a result, I am entering into the second century of my life as a much healthier individual and excited to be able to look and feel healthy.”   ~Linda L.

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Weight Loss Before and After Pictures - Kent G's HCG Diet Review

This couple lost over 190 pounds combined with the HCG diet... this is amazing!

Katie and Jason are an inspiring couple, they lost a combined total of over 190 pounds with the diyhcg diet!

Katie and Jason are an inspiring couple, they lost a combined total of over 190 pounds with the diyhcg diet!

Katie's Weight Loss Success Story:

  • Start weight: 286 pounds
  • Lost over 90 pounds on the HCG Diet in 10 months.
  • She did several rounds of the HCG Diet, losing great amounts of weight during each round of the HCG Diet.
  • Katie explains the HCG Diet as life-changing.
  • Before starting the HCG Diet, Katie had some health problems such as PCOS and she was pre-diabetic. PCOS is linked to obesity and can cause infertility in women, which was negative for Katie because her and Jason wanted to have more children.
  • After the weight loss with the HCG Diet, Katy's health issues resolved and they are planning on growing their family.
You can also watch this video of Katie (and Jason) to see them describe their amazing life transformation from using and the HCG Diet. They did the HCG Diet for their health, their kids, and their life. Once Jason and Katie started the DIY HCG Diet program; they lost a combined total of over 190 lbs. On top of the HCG weight loss they also found a new sense of joy with each other and their children, saved lots of money by buying more healthy food, and began a more active lifestyle. They are truly an inspiration for people out there who want to lose weight and are trying to decide if the HCG Diet is the right diet for them. Just take a few minutes be inspired by their story. We promise it will make you smile and it will also make you think about the HCG Diet a whole different way.

View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!

Weight Loss Products - HCG Diet Drops

Want more success stories? Read what others have said about the DIY HCG Diet below...

“It has helped me go from 215 lbs. to 169 and counting!”   ~Mary B. "Before I lost weight with the HCG Diet I had a hard time going from laying down to standing and I would get winded easily when playing with the dog or with the kids. I didn't want to be the fat guy anymore. Along with walking (which I love) and doing the HCG Diet; I'm down to a comfortable weight and feel more comfortable in my own skin. I really liked how easy this diet was and I lost weight really quickly"   ~Charley M. "This diet is great. I lost weight quickly which made running and staying active easier."   ~Faye N. “Great results and the weight stay off!”   ~Bob M.

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HCG Diet Before and After Pictures - Katie H

 Sarah lost 27 pounds with 2 rounds of the HCG diet... SHE LOOKS AMAZING!

Sarah lost 27 pounds with 2 rounds of the HCG diet... SHE LOOKS AMAZING!

Sarah's Weight Loss Success Story:

  • Start weight: 155 pounds
  • End weight: 128 pounds
  • Total weight lost: 27 pounds
  • Lost a total of 5 inches from her waist
Here's more about Sarah's HCG experience in her own words: "After eating my way through a summer in Europe (how could I resist?), I noticed my clothes no longer fit—particularly around my butt. After researching diet-after-diet online and in books, I finally came across the original manuscript and HCG seemed too good to be true. The small amount of time it took to get the weight off was AMAZING! After a few short weeks, I went from a 30-inch waist to a 25-inch waist in only two rounds. I felt and looked so much smaller everywhere—for the first time since high school my arms were small and I could fit into sizes "small" and "extra small'. The diet really took the weight off where I needed it, and made me feel so much lighter and healthier. It also instilled on me some fantastic habits, like drinking plenty of water and green tea for energy and good health. After a week on the diet, I remember looking at my coworkers eating fried chicken sandwiches and feeling nauseous by what they were shoving down their throats. I really didn't feel hungry when on the diet and mixed up what proteins I ate to keep it interesting. With the limited choices, I became really talented at dreaming up new ways to eat delicious foods and the non-dieters looked on with jealousy at my lean dishes! Thank you so much DIY HCG. I recommend the product to all my friends who are shocked at my new, slim figure." ~Sarah R., 23, Newport News, VA

View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!

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Sarah's HCG Weight Loss Transformation Photos

See more HCG before and after pictures on! These are GREAT!

These HCG transformation are amazing! These pictures make me want to do the HCG diet NOW!

Jason's Weight Loss Success Story:

  • Start weight: 310 pounds
  • Lost over 100 pounds in 10 months!
  • He saw very immediate results... he lost 20 pounds in the 1st week!
  • He completed several rounds of the HCG Diet, losing 30-40 pounds each round
  • HCG Round 1: Lost 40 pounds
  • HCG Round 2: Lost 35 pounds
  • HCG Round 3: Lost 30 pounds
  • Before the HCG Diet, Jason had many health issues, such as sleep apnea, acid reflux, transient ischemic strokes, and high blood pressure. No more of these issues hinder his health like they did before losing weight.
  • He has been able to start playing basketball because of losing weight.
See Jason and Katie's video testimonial here.

View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!

Weight Loss Products - HCG Diet Drops 

Want more success stories? Read what others have said about the DIY HCG Diet below...

"I went down 6 inches worth of pant sizes over the course of 4 months. I was wearing a 42 pant size, now I wear a 36-inch waist pants. I'm now going to the gym to help tone up because after losing the weight I have some loose skin... so I'm going to fill it with muscle. I had almost given up on losing weight until I found the HCG Diet and this company. Much respect!"   ~Stephen C. “Because it works."   ~Karen H. “Both my husband and I have successfully used one round of HCG and each lost 28 and 19 lbs. respectively. We are down to healthy weights and have gone from having high cholesterol to normal levels. We are healthier, more active, sleep better, sweat less, and look younger and fabulous in our smaller clothes!”        ~Tara K. "It works.”   ~David W. "I lost 56 pounds over 2 rounds with the help of DIY HCG. Now I can breathe easier knowing I'm a little healthier and it's easier to play with my kids. I plan on doing another round after Christmas. I don't have to shop in the 'big and tall' section anymore. Thank you so much for a great product."   ~Mark M. “It has helped me lose weight so fast. I used to weigh 245 lbs. Now my weight is at 200 lbs. It has helped me with my health, it is way better. Thank you HCG.'        ~Leticia P.

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HCG Diet Review Pictures - Jason H Weight Loss

Meg's Weight Loss Success Story:

Meg did 2 rounds of the DIY HCG Diet and her results were great! As you can see from the above pictures, she lost several pounds and inches over her entire body especially in her waist, belly, hips, legs, and arms.  She said the faces in her pictures match how she felt about her body at the time... just look at the smile on the last pic! Great job Meg!

View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!

Weight Loss Products - HCG Diet Drops

Want more success stories? Read what others have said about the DIY HCG Diet below...

“I am so grateful that I heard about DIY HCG and didn't just ignore it. It has been wonderful to actually lose weight and be able to keep it off. Thank You so much.”   ~Sandy L. “I'm only on HCG week one, day 8. So, I can't share much except that I've lost about a pound a day after losing the weight I put on while loading. (And that only took a day!) I'm very hopeful that this will fulfill my dreams. I had started weight training and cardio a few weeks before I found HCG in hopes of changing my body shape. I have lost and gained the same 25 pounds a number of times, but when you start out looking like a pear and end up looking like a smaller's not terribly motivating to stay away from sugar. :) I want HCG to reshape my body and the fat to come off of the proper areas. I have continued to work out while on it. This could be a really great transformation.” When your HCG works, I'm planning to write a FABULOUS HCG testimonial. :) I took HCG before photos too!"   ~Brassi “I have lost 35 pounds in 30 days with HCG. I feel great and I love the compliments. It makes me feel sexy again.”   ~Christine W. "I have lost 36 lbs with HCG. My husband has lost 33 pounds with HCG. The single most important factor has been a renewed confidence about weight control, looks, and self-esteem. The HCG protocol helped us achieve our vision of a healthy, proportionate body. THE most important part is that WE have been able to MAINTAIN our weight loss with HCG.”   ~Kerri G. “If you want to see the scale finally move down, this is the HCG program for you. Don't deviate and you will be delighted with the HCG results.”   ~Laurie S. “I am much more active now. I have taken up line dancing and feel much more able to take care of my family's needs because of HCG.”   ~Bill and Tina R.

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HCG Weight Loss Pics: Meg B!

Ka'ala's Weight Loss Success Story:

  • She lost 19.4 pounds during her first round of the HCG Diet.
  • On her second round of the HCG Diet she lost an additional 10 pounds.
  • Total HCG weight loss of 29.4 pounds
  • Ka'ala had tried several weight loss plans before the HCG Diet without any great success.
  • She was very happy with the fast weight loss results of the HCG Diet.
  • As you can see from the above pictures she experienced body reshaping in her neck, arms, legs, chest, and stomach.
Weight Loss Products - HCG Diet Drops

Read Ka'ala's letter about her HCG weight loss success below:

"HCG is amazing! My husband and I were told about it from a friend and are so glad that she shared this with us. I have had 3 children and the resulting weight had seemed impossible to lose even after multiple diets and time spent in the gym. On my first course I was AMAZED to see the results each and every day! It was so exciting to get up each morning and weigh in to find anywhere from a pound to 2 pounds gone!! On my first round on HCG I was able to accomplish losing 19.4 lbs!! And on my second, 10 more! That gives me a total of 29.4 lbs lost over 2 courses! I am so happy to have found HCG!! I am looking forward to my 3rd course. If all goes well, at the end of this next course I will be back to my “before children” weight, somewhere I never thought I’d be again!! Thank you HCG!!"     ~Ka'ala

View the rest of our Before and After Stories (including Before and After Pictures) HERE!

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HCG Diet Before and After Pictures - Kaala