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Beets and the HCG Diet

Eat beet leaves on the HCG Diet

Beets are root vegetables that are known for their vibrant red coloring. Not only are they nutritious, but beetroots also offer a wide array of health benefits. Beets provide vitamins, nutrients, and fiber, all of which promote good health.


Beets and the HCG Diet

The actual beet itself, sometimes called the beet root, is “not allowed” on the low-calorie phase of the HCG Diet, is “not allowed” during the 1st Three Weeks of Maintenance, is “cautionary” during the 2nd Three Weeks of Maintenance and is “allowed” in the Rest of Your Life Phase according to the Food and Drink Chart in the HCG Weight Loss Cure Guide by Linda Prinster. The reason beets aren’t allowed until after the 1st Three Weeks of Maintenace is because a 1/2 cup serving has about 8 carbs and 7 sugars. While the 7 sugars are natural sugars, they are sugars, nevertheless.

However, beet greens (yes, the leaves!) are 1 of the 13 vegetables allowed on the HCG Diet. The leaves are packed with antioxidants and rich in anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, benefit eyesight, support healthy skin, teeth, and blood vessels, strengthen the immune system, strengthen the digestive system, boost bone strength and help ward off osteoporosis, aid in speeding up the healing process of wounds and have a higher nutritional value than the beet itself!


Five reasons to eat beets in "Maintenance" & in the "Rest of Your Life" Phases:

1. Stabilizes or Lowers Blood Pressure

Some studies have shown that beets can temporarily lower or stabilize blood pressure. The nitrates contained in beets typically convert into nitric oxide, leading to improved blood flow. The nitric oxide works to dilate the body's blood vessels and aids the flow of blood. As a result, blood pressure drops temporarily.


2. Assists in Weight Loss

Beets offer a high concentration of water, which is beneficial in losing weight. Plus, beets provide low-calorie nutrients. If you replace some of the high-calorie foods in your diet with beets, you can optimize your weight loss.


3. Enhances Digestive Health

Good digestive health is more easily accomplished when you maintain a steady intake of dietary fiber. Beets, which are high in fiber, promote digestive health in two ways. They add bulk to stools, and they enhance the health of essential bacteria found in the digestive system.


4. Improves Endurance

Several studies on the benefit of including beetroots in dietary intake suggest that athletes may experience enhanced performance. In particular, the studies suggest that the nitrates contained in beets enhance the process by which cells within the body produce energy. Even without scientific evidence to support the idea that drinking beetroot juice can improve endurance, it is easy to agree with that statement. After all, beets are high in nutritional value and help to regulate the digestive system.


5. Promotes Cognitive Function

Unfortunately, the brain slows down as people age. Eating a diet high in good nutrition slows down the aging process. Beets, in particular, contain nitrates that may promote better blood flow as well as enhanced cognitive function. Enhanced blood flow promotes healthy functioning of the brain, enabling better memory and thinking capabilities.


It's easy to add beets into your diet. You can grate fresh beets for your salads, dips, and yogurt. You can also serve boiled, pickled, roasted, or steamed beets as a side dish. Isn't it time to boost your health by adding beets into your diet? For the best results, you may want to add beets into your diet in a variety of forms, including steamed, grated, juiced, steamed, and boiled.

