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How to Make Stretchmarks Disappear

Ugh stretch marks. Whether the result of pregnancy, a growth spurt, or even "putting on a few pounds", stretch marks are commonly seen after rapid growth or weight gain. As much as we hate stretch marks and find them quite unsightly, the good news is that there are smart things you can do in order to diminish the appearance [...] Read More

The Best Feng Shui Colors for the Bedroom

Your bedroom is supposed to be a haven, but the treadmill over in the corner, piled with clothes, only serves to remind you that you haven't stepped on said treadmill for at least three months. The deep red walls were supposed to make you feel like you were back in the womb, where life was much simpler, but they [...] Read More

Throw Some Shrimp on the Bar-B: Barbecuing on the HCG Diet

When the weather starts warming up and you’re planning that pre-bikini round of HCG, remember that the outdoor grill can add so much flavor to your HCG meals. You can literally grill almost everything on the VLCD.Here are a few tips to get the most out of your grill on the HCG Diet:Marinate your 3.5 [...] Read More

Too Much of a Good Thing? – Fruit and HCG Maintenance

You never thought you’d hear the day when doctors would tell you to hold back on the fruit — but they are when it comes to the "fruit" that comes in a glass. A recent study shows that the fruit juices we’re drinking could be doing more harm than good because of all the sugar [...] Read More

How to Live Healthy on a Budget

We all want to live a more healthy life, but good gosh it can be so expensive! Organic foods cost more than non-organic produce. Gym memberships and exercise classes can take a big bite out of your monthly budget. AND all-natural products might be a healthier option, but they too are pricier. Fortunately, several money-saving strategies can help you live [...] Read More

Healthier Cakes for Any Celebration

Cake is everywhere!!! Birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, and pretty much any other major celebrations have it. Unfortunately, high calorie counts and heavy trans fat loads come with many of the cakes served at these events. Boo! There IS good news though. You can substitute healthy, delicious alternatives for most any cake and most any occasion AND you won’t get kicked out [...] Read More

11 Health Habits that Will Help You Live to 100

Did you know that the average American born in 2013 will have a lifespan nearly four years longer than an American born twenty years ago? Lifespans are increasing over time. In fact, a growing number of people are reaching the centennial mark, and you could be one of them. These 11 tips might help you reach your one-hundredth birthday. 1. [...] Read More

Apple Cider Vinegar a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

We all know the expression “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but it has a counter part, too, that can prove just as beneficial. The positive effects of apple cider vinegar (or ACV) are more than just an old wives’ tale. From fighting plaque to stimulating the scalp and hair growth, you might [...] Read More

Ways to Reduce the Symptoms of PMS

An estimated 75 percent of women have experienced one or more symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome, or PMS. (If you haven’t, I’m jealous and we can’t be friends.) While its cause is largely unknown, there are a number of factors that contribute to PMS, whose symptoms typically appear sometime during the two weeks before menstruation begins and disappear within four days [...] Read More

How to Get Rid of Shin Splints

How to Get Rid of Shin Splints Shin splints are no fun at all, especially if they keep coming back after you think they've healed. If that's the case, you're probably not allowing enough time for healing, which can take up to three to six months. Rest assured, there is a light at the end of the burning, ripping pain tunnel. Why You [...] Read More