Quick and Family-Friendly Low-Carb Recipes
A low-carb diet can promote weight loss, and research shows that it can help reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and other devastating… Read More
HCG diet menus typically consist of lean proteins like chicken or fish, non-starchy vegetables, and a small amount of fruit. They adhere to a very low-calorie intake of around 500 calories per day. Meals should be carefully portioned and simple, avoiding fats and sugars, to support the diet's weight loss goals.
A low-carb diet can promote weight loss, and research shows that it can help reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and other devastating… Read More
Get warm and cozy by the fire on cold winter nights with hot chocolate. Hot chocolate...wait, sugar is not allowed on my diet! No… Read More
Remember when we used to vilify fat in our diet as the cause of heart disease and obesity? Well, it turns out that… Read More
We all have days when we're in a crummy mood. Nothing seems to be going right and a big black thunderhead follows us through… Read More
Any excuse to throw a party is a good excuse, and it behooves the host to provide some tasty snacks for peckish guests, especially if booze is on the menu. Sure, you can toss out a bag of chips and a jar of salsa, but how memorable is that? If you really want your guests to feel the love, [...] Read More
Quinoa, pronounced "keen-WAH" (if you have trouble remembering that, just remember it's the exact opposite of "Joaquin," which is pronounced "wah-KEEN,") is a whole grain that's gluten-free, and packed to the gills with iron, Vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium. It's a primo source of fiber, and it's rich in lysine, an amino acid that promotes healthy tissues. Quinoa is a [...] Read More
You never thought you’d hear the day when doctors would tell you to hold back on the fruit — but they are when it comes to the "fruit" that comes in a glass. A recent study shows that the fruit juices we’re drinking could be doing more harm than good because of all the sugar [...] Read More
Cake is everywhere!!! Birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, and pretty much any other major celebrations have it. Unfortunately, high calorie counts and heavy trans fat loads come with many of the cakes served at these events. Boo! There IS good news though. You can substitute healthy, delicious alternatives for most any cake and most any occasion AND you won’t get kicked out [...] Read More