We know that many doctors scoff at the HCG Diet when they first hear about it. This is mostly because 500 calories per day is generally considered unhealthy, which we agree — generally. If HCG is not in play, we consider 500 calories per day unhealthy. However, HCG changes everything by releasing fat (i.e. additional calories) into the blood stream for proper usage. For the record, we have not come across any doctors who have actually seen the HCG Diet work that did not approve. Again, it is more the philosophy of the diet that they have an issue. Just keep in mind that a medical doctor, Dr. ATW Simeons, created and studied the HCG diet for over 20 years. Between his experience and our HCG experience, we have no doubts whatsoever that this is the real deal. Furthermore, we have worked with thousands of cases that certainly dispel the “won’t work”, “is a scam”, “isn’t safe”, etc. conclusions. Just take a look at our Success Stories Page to see for yourself!