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Go Back to HCG Phase 2 Lunch Food List.

HCG Phase 2 Dinner Food ListDIY HCG Diet - Protein

The HCG Diet dinner foods are the exact same as the lunch foods, but we listed them in this category for clarification reasons. 

HCG Diet Dinner: 

Each meal consists of these food 'items':

  • 1 protein serving
  • 1 vegetable serving
  • 1 carb serving
  • 1 fruit serving 

HCG Diet Protein Serving Choices:

All meats must be weighed to 3.5 oz/100g. They should be weighed raw and have all visible fat trimmed. It is important to cook the meat using no butter, oil, or other form of fat (i.e. boil, grill, bake, use non-stick cookware, etc.). You can order meats from us that are already prepared, measured, and de-fatted.


  • Veal
  • Lean beef
  • Boneless, skinless chicken breast
  • Fresh white fish
  • Lobster
  • Fresh crab
  • Shrimp
  • Canned Tuna*

Not Allowed:

  • Salmon
  • Eel
  • Fresh Tuna
  • Herring
  • Dried fish
  • Pickled fish

*We have found through working with thousands of clients that canned tuna packed in water is okay.  We believe that Dr. Simeons said tuna was not allowed on Phase 2 because in the 50’s tuna was possibly only packed in oil.

HCG Vegetable Serving Choices:

The vegetables may be eaten raw or cooked. If you choose to cook your veggies, remember you must do so without using any butter, oil, or other form of fat. You can steam, bake, or sauté in a non-stick pan. One type of vegetable only to be chosen from the following:

  • Spinach
  • Chard
  • Chicory
  • Beet-greens
  • Green lettuce (any type)
  • Tomatoes*
  • Celery
  • Fennel
  • Onions
  • Red radishes
  • Cucumbers
  • Asparagus
  • Cabbage

HCG Diet Carb Serving Choices:

  • grissini breadstick
  • 1 approved flavor of Melba toast (original, sea salt, roasted garlic, whole grain) 
  • 2 approved flavors of Melba “snacks” (original, sea salt, roasted garlic, whole grain) 

HCG Diet Gluten-Free Breadstick Substitute:

HCG Fruit Serving Choices:

  • 1 apple
  • 1 handful of strawberries (usually 5-6)
  • ½ grapefruit
  • 1 orange

Go to HCG Phase 2 Additional Foods.