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Conditions Requiring Additional Concern Prior to Starting the HCG Diet

As with any diet, it's a good idea to check with your physician before you proceed with the HCG protocol. This is particularly important if you are taking any medications, which may need to be adjusted during the course of the protocol. If you have any of the following conditions, talking to your physician is absolutely essential for preventing complications. Your physician will likely want to monitor your condition while you're engaged in the HCG Diet.


Gallbladder Issues

If you have gallstones, or small stones in the gallbladder, you may experience a worsening of your symptoms during the protocol, and it may become necessary to operate to remove the stones. However, once you have lost weight, the risk of needing an operation will likely be reduced. There is no evidence that the HCG treatments can cause gallstones to form, as they sometimes do during pregnancy.



If you have gout, you may experience a severe attack within the first few days of administering HCG. However, most patients then remain pain-free for the duration of the treatment, although your blood uric acid may show an increase that persists for several months after completing the HCG protocol. If you have gout or a history of gout, your physician may administer two Zyloric tablets to help prevent attacks during the protocol.


Brittle or Stable Diabetes

Although once treatment is complete and you have returned to a normal weight, your stable diabetes will likely improve and you may be able to stop taking your diabetes medications. But it's essential that before you begin the HCG treatments, you thoroughly discuss the HCG protocol with your physician. Your blood sugar will drop quickly once you start the protocol, and it may reach normal levels within three weeks of starting the HCG injections. Those with brittle diabetes will probably not enjoy a decrease in blood sugar. Additionally, those with stable diabetes may see their stable type gradually change into the brittle type. Regardless of the type of diabetes you have, your physician will need to closely monitor your condition during the HCG protocol in order to avoid potentially dangerous complications.



Uterine fibroids are generally unaffected by the HCG protocol due to the relatively low dosages of HCG. However, very large uterine myomas may pose a risk of increased pain or discomfort during the HCG Diet. This is likely due to fat disappearing from the pelvic bed, which may cause the tumor to push on the tissues beneath, leading to problems with pain. If you have a very large tumor, it will likely need to be operated on before you begin the HCG treatments.


Before You Visit Your Doctor

Prior to visiting with your doctor regarding your concerns, read Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity so that you understand the background information and the research surrounding the HCG protocol, how it works, and what it entails. Bring the book along with you to your doctor's appointment, and have a list of questions and concerns ready so that you don't forget to discuss certain issues with your doctor.
